Sunday, May 8, 2011

I have been diagnosed with hepatitis C and was wondering if I can benefit from medicinal herbs.

Hepatitis C is a chronic viral infection which affects millions of people around the globe. Once the virus is acquired, it usually lead to gradual problems with liver, liver failure and liver cancer. In the orient, a variety of medicinal herbs are used to treat this infection. Unfortunately, the few randomized studies indicate the majority of the herbs do not work for this infection. However, the only herbs that have been shown to have some benefit are Bing Gan Tang, Yi Zhu and Yi Er Gan Tang. But these herbs are associated with very unpleasant side effects. At the moment, if you live in North America, the treatment of hepatitis C with herbs- is not recommended. In the orient, where interferon is not readily available, herbs may be the only choice of treatment

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I am a 26-year-old female and drink excess alcohol. What are the chances that this will affect my liver?

One of the most common causes of liver damage is alcohol. Even though millions of people consume alcohol on a regular basis, only a few heavy drinkers develop liver damage. The liver damage induced by alcohol is not sudden but occurs slowly over a period of 10-15 years. It is impossible to predict who will develop liver damage and who will not. It is known that alcohol generates toxic chemicals that can damage liver cells. However, why this happens in only a few individuals’ remains a mystery. In addition, when alcohol damage occurs, the liver function is not immediately compromised. The liver has a tremendous capacity to regenerate and even when 80% of the liver is damaged, it continues to function as normal. Thus, when you present with symptoms it usually means that your liver has suffered a lot of damage and most likely it irreversible. Liver scarring or end stage liver disease is also known as cirrhosis. The only way to avoid liver damage from alcohol is to stop drinking.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can you tell me how best to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver?

Fatty liver is becoming increasingly recognized in the USA . The chief reasons for the development of this disorder include obesity, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. The disorder may initially have no symptoms but is associated with a major risk for heart attacks and strokes. Unlike many other liver disorders, fatty liver is reversible, unless of course permanent liver damage has already occurred.

Fatty liver can be treated by making changes in lifestyle.

To treat and prevent fatty liver you need to lose weight, change your diet and enter an exercise program. Once you start to lose weight, the fatty liver will gradually resolve. What should be understood is that weight gain should be avoided to prevent the disease from coming back.

Today there are a variety of complex carbohydrate diets being recommended. This just means that you should stop eating candies, chocolates and white flour products. Instead eat a lot of fiber, cereals, oats, vegetables- and do not pig out on food all the time.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can exercise prevent liver damage from alcohol consumption?

A lot of studies have been published indicating that small amounts of alcohol or wine on a regular basis may be good for the heart and lowering of cholesterol, but excess use can lead to irreversible liver damage. However, the public it appears has failed to understand the difference between one glass of wine and a gallon of alcohol – most people seem to drink the latter.
Alcoholism is a global problem and surveys indicate that many young people drink excessively, and the problem is not limited to one particular gender, social status or occupation.

No one doubts that regular exercise is good for overall health, but it does not compensate with what has already happened to the body. Damage to the liver is initially silent and appears innocuous, but it can suddenly creep up with profound health consequences.

Says Professor Ian Gilmore, President of the Royal College of Physicians and Chair of the Alcohol Health Alliance,  "While it is encouraging to see that people are recognizing that heavy drinking is bad for their health, it is clear that the extent of the damage alcohol does to the body is not getting through to people.

"Regular exercise will not stop the onset of liver disease and other alcohol related illnesses if people continue to binge drink above safe limits." 

Can exercise reduce hangovers after alcohol consumption?

Many people have a strong belief that the side effects of alcohol can be prevented by exercising.  While exercise can help get rid of a hangover, it cannot not repair the damage to the liver done by heavy or prolonged drinking.
A recent survey in England by the Department of Health indicated that at least 1 out of 5 people admitted to exercising to make up for the heavy bout of drinking. The poll as expected found that at least 20% of the people drank excessively on a regular basis.

In general, for a man, the recommended alcohol intake is 1 bottle a beer or 3 small glasses of wine; for women it is 2 small glasses of wine.

The many people surveyed claimed that by sweating it out, they could avoid damage to the liver after heavy drinking. However, the government in England which has been beset with the problems of alcoholism says while exercise may help resolve the hangover, it does not undo the damage caused by excess alcohol consumption.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why are my stools white? part 2

There are a number of conditions in infants where there is abnormal metabolism of bile. In most cases, the liver disorder can be corrected.

Sclerosing cholangitis occurs in patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease. In these two disorders, the bile ducts gradually get damaged and bile can no longer be excreted into the bowel. The condition is difficult to treat.

Strictures (narrowing) of the bile ducts can occur from surgical trauma and can lead to poor excretion of bile. This may occur after removal of a gall bladder and the surgeon inadvertently damages the bile duct. Besides seeking medical help, a visit to a lawyer would not be a bad idea if this ever happens.

There are some rare disorders of the bile duct where the ducts become large and cystic like but are unable to function normally

In some cases, cancers of the pancreas, liver or gall bladder can obstruct the bile duct and cause stools to turn white.

A few medications like some anta acids and anti fungal drugs may transiently turn stools white. When the medications are stopped, the stools revert back to normal color.

In any situation where stools turn white, a visit to the health care worker is highly recommended. The doctor will most like get a history, physical and probably get a few radiological tests to assess the liver and bile duct. The treatment depends on the cause.

Why are my stools white

In general, stools range in color from dark grey to brown. Two colors, which are considered abnormal, are black or white stools. All other colors are of not much importance. When an individual has white stools at any age, this is a cause for concern.

The brown color of stools is due to a pigment released from the liver, known as bilirubin. When there is abnormal liver function, bilirubin is no longer produced and stools turn white.

Bile is an important fluid in the body. It is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Bile plays an important role in the absorption of fats and related products. When the liver fails to produce bile or if the bile fails to be released from the liver, then stools will turn white.

The most common liver disorders that can cause stools to become white include:

Hepatitis. Liver infections by viruses can cause hepatitis. In particular, hepatitis B and C are of concern and can cause white pale stools.

Biliary atresia is a condition where the ducts that secret bile are absent or damaged. In such cases, bile is unable to pass from the liver into the bowel. Biliary atresia is seen at birth.

Gallstones can sometimes impinge on the ducts that carry bile. However, gallstones can be removed and the condition can be reversed.